Learn to Swim - School Age
Our school age program has 5 ability-based levels for kids over 5 years of age. Our program accommodates swimmers who are new to swimming lessons all the way up to swimmers who are ready to develop correct freestyle and backstroke technique. The levels include Starfish, Platypus, Dolphin, Stingray & Swordfish.
Our Makos level is technically part of the School Age program however, we have this listed under our Stroke Correction section for ease of finding information.
We also have a special abilities / special needs class called Rainbow Fish which also technically forms part our School Age program however, we have this listed under our Other Programs section for ease of finding information.
Description: These are school age children, five years and above, who may be afraid of the water or who cannot comfortably float on their front and / or back on their own.
Class Size: 4 swimmers max.
Duration: 30 minutes
Promotion Skills:
Front float and recover
Back float and recover
Pop up breathing and / or treading water
Time Table: Monday through Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. For more information about class times, please contact us.

Description: To be in a Platypus class the child should be able to tread water as well as be able to front and back float comfortably. When they pass this level, they can swim a continuous and smooth overarm freestyle with no breathing for at least 8 metres and can kick on their back in a good body position for 8 metres as well.
Class Size: 5 swimmers max.
Duration: 30 minutes
Promotion Skills:
8 metres of continuous overarm Freestyle
8 metres of back kicking
Timetable: Monday through Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. For more information about class times, please contact your closest pool.

Description: In the Dolphin class the children will be learning to swim Freestyle with good side breathing and Backstroke. They will also be introduced to dolphin kicks and somersaults.
Class Size: 5 swimmers max.
Duration: 30 minutes
Promotion Skills:
16 metres of Freestyle with good side breathing
16 metres of Backstroke with good developing technique
Forward somersault
Dolphin kicks
Timetable: Monday through Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. For more information about class times, please contact us.
Description: In the Stingray class swimming skills will be further developed and endurance will be increased. Bent arm freestyle and backstroke will be introduced as well as Breaststroke arms and legs and dolphins kicks.
Class Size: 7 swimmers max.
Duration: 45 minutes
Promotion Skills:
Swim 50 metres Freestyle with good developing technique
Swim 50 metres Backstroke with good developing technique
8 metres of dolphin kicks
Timetable: Monday through Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. For more information about class times, please contact us.

Description: Swordfish will be learning the correct timing and technique for Butterfly and Breaststroke as well as perfecting their Freestlye and Backstroke. The Freestyle tumble turn will be taught as well as Water Safety skills.
Class Size: 7 swimmers max.
Duration: 45 minutes
Promotion Skills:
Swim 100 metres Freestyle with good developing technique
Swim 100 metres Backstroke with good developing technique
Swim Breaststroke - 25 metres
Swim Butterfly - 16 metres
Freestyle tumble turn
Timetable: Monday through Friday afternoons at Casuarina pool. For more information about class times, please contact us.